Oscar Pistorius Courtroom Body Language REVEALS The TRUTH, Despite Attempts to Hide

OP Happy

Prior to his February 14, 2013 shooting of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, South African 2012 Paralympic Gold and Silver Medal Winner Oscar Pistorius possessed enormous personal power with exceptional charisma, handsome good-looks, and Olympic athletic abilities.

However, since the March 03, 2014 onset of The State vs Oscar Pistorius murder trial of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, Pistorius’ courtroom body language have changed dramatically as the stress of facing both the premeditation murder charges and the trial have already taken a toll on him.

Here Pistorius is outside the courtroom using a coat to shield, cover, and protect his entire head and shoulders.  His body gestures suggest that he is attempting to hide and disappear from the public and from possible feelings of guilt, shame, remorse, and perceived threats of danger:

  • shoulders are slumped
  • head is in a submissive downward position with chin tucked inward similar to a turtle tucking the head inside the shell when frightened;
  • right hand holding a tissue
  • left hand is close to his neckline and approaching the suprasternal notch of his throat

In the context of defending himself in a murder trial, his entire cluster of body language cues signifies non-power positions of vulnerability.

Hiding Under Coat

To avoid onlookers “reading his lips,” Pistorius used his fingers and hands to block his nose, lips, and mouth as he talked to his defense lawyer Barry Roux inside the courtroom.

OP Blocks Mouth Talking to Lawyer

Pistorius continued with other body gestures of blocking, hiding, and disappearing when he didn’t like what he faced…

Eye Block

didn’t like what he heard…

Covering Ears

or when the situation was too much to bear Pistorius broke down in tears and showed significant negative emotions as evidenced by the redding of the forehead, bulging temple veins, and contractions of facial muscles. His hands served to protect and distance his face from public view.


He got so upset that he vomited on March 10, 2014 during the graphic autopsy testimony by pathologist Dr. Gert Saaymon regarding Reeva Steenkamp’s fatal bodily wounds and injuries.


The next two photos suggest that Pistorius has just endured a long day of trial and his body is wearing down, as shown by the multiple horizontal lines across his forehead and the droopy eyelids.

Horizontal Forehead Lines

OP horizontal forehead lines

Although Pistorius used a “steepling” hand gesture that normally conveys power if the steeple of the fingers were pointed upward, his interlocked fingers in this photo were inverted and pointed downward. Perhaps Pistorius is realizing the full extent of the premeditated murder charges and the enormity of the trial proceedings.  Therefore as a result, his fingers are visibly showing his loss of personal and emotional power.

Inverted Finger Steeple

Below, Pistorius demonstrates a submissive posture with head bowed down, eyes closed or cast downward away from the glaring lenses of the media cameras, chin tucked inward towards neck, shoulders forward and slumped, with hands covering in front of genital area.  This body language image conveys a man, humbled by possible shame or guilt, quietly asking for forgiveness.

OP head lowered

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Infamous Murder Defendants Covering and Hiding Eyes & Face…True or False Emotions?

Many criminal murder defendants cover, hide, or block their faces in an effort to hide their guilt and pretend to look sad or remorseful…especially when shown crime scene, bloody victim evidence, or hearing opposing witness testimony.

Jodi Arias Face Blocking
Jodi Arias Face Blocking
Casey Anthony Face Blocking
Casey Anthony Face Blocking

In recent cases, both murder defendants Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony covered their faces with long dark hair, hands, and tissues. Despite Arias and Anthony’s attempts to appear as if they were crying, their facial expressions and muscles did not support actual crying or remorse as shown in this next photo.

Body Language Face of Sadness
Body Language Face of Sadness

Specifically, there should be loss in facial muscle and one or more of the following facial expressions: 

  • Forehead: horizontal lines across
  • Inner corners of eyebrows:  Raised, upward into inverted V with vertical line in-between
  • Eyelids: triangulate with raised upper eyelids’ interior corners + drooping exterior corners.  Lower eyelids may appear raised
  • Eyes:  Downward narrower eyes in a near squint.
  • Cheeks:  Nasolabial Furrow downward corners of lips.
  • Mouth / Lips:  mouth dropped open, corners of lips are drawn downward and may tremble.
  • Chin:  Tip of chin (the Mentalis muscle) may wrinkle, get pushed upward, and tremble or quiver.

In their respective murder cases, Arias was convicted of killing boyfriend Travis Alexander, while Anthony was acquitted of murdering her toddler daughter Caylee Anthony. The only time Jodi Arias’ chin quivered was during the GUILTY verdicts from each of the 12 jurors.

Oscar Pistorius Face Blocking
Oscar Pistorius Face Blocking

Here, South African Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius’ hands cover his face as he ‘faces’ premeditated murder charges of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. This photo reveals noticeable redness and veins on the right side of Pistorius’ forehead and temple, along with wrinkling around the exterior corners of the right eye. The weight of his head and right check press down enough to leave an imprint from his righ thumb. Distress appears around the corners of his right eye and the area where the tips of his fingers are touching his face. These body and physiological signs indicate true emotions are being felt by Pistorius in the moment.

Specifically, his limbic, emotional brain:
(1) is overwhelmed with stimuli,

(2) is unable to rationally process the reality or consequences of his actions for shooting to death girlfriend Ms. Reeva Steenkamp; and

(3) is therefore instinctively blocking or protecting itself from perceived and real threats.

More will be revealed as his trial proceeds. Pistorius and his defense team claim that Pistorius thought he was shooting at intruder(s) who were in his locked bathroom door.

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